History about YELLYOSHUA


10 November 2021

Last updated:

20 February 2023 (2 years)

Read time:

2 min 7 sec

Hi, I'm Yoshua López, a Full Stack developer with a passion for creating technology solutions that can change the way people do things. Since I was little, I have always been interested in technology and how it works, so I decided to learn on my own and thus began my path in the world of programming.

Today, I use a variety of programming languages such as TypeScript, React, React Native, Node.js, Golang, and GraphQL to create high-quality software. I love being constantly learning, so I'm always looking for new challenges to improve myself and improve my skills.

One of my passions is sharing my knowledge with the world. That is why I decided to create my personal brand, which is based on my website https://www.yoshualopez.com/, where I show my projects, my blog and my social networks. I'm always willing to help other developers and share what I know.

Some of the projects I have worked on include the development of a web page for the Cardenal González Zumárraga School, a web application to manage elections and several programs in C and Python for the Holberton School.

I am very proud of what I have achieved so far, but I know that there is always more to do. I am excited for what the future holds for me and for the new opportunities that I will be able to explore and develop. My username "yellyoshua" is an expression of my passion and enthusiasm for web development and my desire to share my knowledge with the world.

If you need help with a project, don't hesitate to contact me. I am always willing to help and share what I know. If you have an idea in mind, we can work together to make it a reality. If you want to know more about me or just want to chat about technology, feel free to contact me.

Thank you for reading my story, and I look forward to the opportunity to work together in the future.

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"Primero en tu mente, luego en tu realidad" - Julio Verne

Todo empieza en la mente de alguien.

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