Knowledges and skills


10 November 2021

Last updated:

20 February 2023 (2 years)

Read time:

1 min 3 sec

Hello, I am Yoshua López and I would like to tell you about my experience in software development. I've worked with a variety of languages and tools like Node.js, Angular.js, TypeScript, React, React Native, Golang, and GraphQL. I have developed web and mobile applications, as well as worked on the backend of some solutions.

I am currently studying Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at Holberton School, where I continue to improve my programming skills and learn new technologies.

I've also contributed to various projects on GitHub, including my personal website, an API for the periodic table, and some useful scripts for configuring applications and adjusting development settings.

I am passionate about constantly learning and improving my skills to stay relevant in a field as dynamic as software development. I love working in a team and collaborating on interesting and challenging projects.

In short, my knowledge and experience spans across a variety of languages and tools, and I am committed to continuing to learn and grow in my career as a software developer.

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"Primero en tu mente, luego en tu realidad" - Julio Verne

Todo empieza en la mente de alguien.

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