Resume about me - Yoshua Lopez


09 November 2021

Last updated:

20 February 2023 (2 years)

Read time:

~1 min

I am a Software Developer with +2 years of experience. With knowledge in JavaScript, React Web and Mobile development, Test Driven Development, Agile methodologies, and Colective Property.

I am looking for a position that will allow me to use my skills and knowledge to make a difference in the world.

I have a strong interest in working with people who are passionate about their work and who are constantly learning and growing.

I believe that my skills and knowledge can be used to make a difference in the world, and I am eager to find a position where I can use them to make a difference.

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"Primero en tu mente, luego en tu realidad" - Julio Verne

Todo empieza en la mente de alguien.

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